New One

In Autumn Reach, Byron, Lauren, Olivia, Silas, and the rest had already stopped upon hearing a female's amplified voice. Seeing that the person who had spoken could not be seen, the battle resumed.

However, the battle was again interrupted when a blinding light filled the sky.

All of them were forced to cover their eyes, but they did not lower their guards.

Similar scenes happened in several different locations.

In the Tower of Conclave, Osric and the others looked up, shocked to see the blinding light. Although they had heard a female voice speaking earlier, Osric ordered them to ignore it and focus on attacking the Conclave's defensive array.

The reason behind Osric's order was because he was confident Layla would not be at a disadvantage against the owner of that voice.

That was right. He knew who that voice belonged to because he had once met her in battle a thousand years ago.

The Queen of the Faes, White Lily.