His Reverse Scale (1)


A series of explosions filled the area near the periphery of the Regis Estate.

The Regis Special Force and Rantz, the Archmagus Layla left to deal with the Regis, were currently engaged in range warfare.

Arrays, with formulas focusing on range magic attacks, hovered above the Regis Outer Walls. Each of these arrays gathered different types of magic energies, which would then convert into concentrated magic energy beams that bombarded Rantz's side.

Seeing the Regis Clan employed such powerful range-focus attack arrays, Rantz and the leaders from different noble families under the Crown Princess's army were dumbstruck. They had known the Regic Clan had a number of combat mages and Abjurers, but it was their first time seeing them rely on Arrays when attacking— not that there was any instance in the past hundred years or so that they ended up in a war.