Last Stand?

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The relentless attack from the enemies continued at the Lumley Ancestral Hall.

After so many hours, one would think the enemy mages' attack would slow down by now. However, contrary to expectations, their attacks only intensified. It was as if they felt no exhaustion— like a well-oiled machine that could function well at a steady pace without stopping.

"Sir Eoin, we are running short on the materials needed to maintain the array. Not to mention, the last batch of our replenishing and healing potions and pills are all gone. If this continues, we won't last half an hour," a Courtenay member reported after receiving the updates from the groups defending the frontlines, maintaining the hall's defensive array and those keeping tabs on their resources.

The expressions on Eoin's and the other leaders' faces darkened after hearing the member's report.