The Ultimate Weapon

Kyran chose not to respond because if he did, True Void was sure to prattle on until he was satisfied. Now that the latter was in a foul mood— to which Kyran think was justified— he no longer asked him to confirm the situation of their allies. Instead, he began to prepare the Key formula as instructed by his father.

In any case, confirming their allies' situation was only a precautionary measure. Kyran only wanted to be sure they did not encounter anything unexpected. Or had not been affected in any way when Obstruction tried to 'transport' the whole Regis Estate.

Then again, with his father's insight, Kyran believed nothing would escape his scrutiny. Besides, though he did not know how much improvement his father underwent after completing Azaloth's Inheritance, Kyran was sure his father not only improved his magic attainment, but also his insight.

[Oi? Are you even listening to me?]