Finale (8)

Kyran had warned Silas that Byron had a few loose screws. But because of the latter's capable display during their meeting with Olivia, he had forgotten about it. He even thought Kyran said those things so he would closely watch Byron. 

But realizing how far off the latter's take was from what Kyran had said, Silas finally understood Kyran's warning.

It seemed Byron's character took a strange turn whenever Kyran was around.

This change made Silas wonder how the two met.

Putting aside his own thoughts, Silas told Lauren and Olivia what Kyran said before Byron could say more.

Byron did not look happy that Silas stole the spotlight from him, but since he was speaking on behalf of his master, he could only reign in his displeasure and let Silas continue.

The facial expressions of Lauren, Olivia, and the rest of the Aureole elites change drastically after hearing Silas's explanation.