Finale (18)

'We parted having such an ambiguous air between us. I am sorry.'

Stella's voice sounded in Kyran's head before she even finished what she spoke aloud.

Others might think Stella's speech was meant to annoy Layla. But it appeared she did it to conceal the fact she was talking to Kyran telepathically.

'You should not have come,' Kyran replied, his expression remaining unreadable.

Meanwhile, Layla was not happy at being ignored— not to mention getting her plans foiled by someone who was supposed to be her 'best friend's' successor.

Apart from that, that successor shared her best friend's name.

Layla was not stupid. She knew the two were talking telepathically.

Not that it mattered.

Even as a Time mage, it was impossible for Stella to halt time for long. For this reason, Layla chose to proceed with her next plan.

Since detaining Kyran had failed, Layla could only let him handle the rest.