Sorry (7)

Cade frowned at Ruin's words. He immediately understood that the latter referred to the plates as an 'annoying prick' because it was no longer the plates.

Just as Cade realized this, the plates spun in a coordinated manner at an alarming speed. Their spinning created a vortex-like effect which soon distorted the space around it. Finally, a silhouette in black and white appeared.

It was none other than Obstruction!

Kyran saw this from the corner of his eye and immediately directed his thoughts at True Void.

'True Void!'

True Void, who had just completed absorbing 'Obstruction,' was startled at Kyran's call. He had been preoccupied that he did not notice. Obstruction created an escape route using the plates as the medium.

Nevertheless, in order not to alarm True Void, Obstruction left an essence, and that had been 'what' the latter had been absorbing all this time.