Meeting Again (1)

"There is another thing you need to know," Nolan continued, not giving Kyran time to dwell on the matter of revealing his identity to the public.

Kyran looked at him apprehensively and asked, "If its going to give me another headache, can I hear it tomorrow?"

Nolan only raised an eyebrow at him and said, "Someone wants to meet with you. He said you know him."

Kyran raised his brows questioningly, "Who?"

"You think I'd bother to ask?" Nolan snorted.

Kyran stared blankly at him.

Typical of Nolan not to care about the 'details.'

"He mentioned one of his colleagues came to visit but that the meeting did not go well. Now he asked to meet in person."

After hearing this, Kyran instantly thought of Loar. He then recalled a Sovereign of Dusk that appeared before them while they were on their way to the Regis Estate.


"You know the guy?"