A New Journey (1)

"'This face grew on me...'?" Iulia repeated absentmindedly. She blinked for a moment, half understanding yet relatively not the meaning behind it.

"Neo," Kyran called Neo once more.

Though Kyran used the same tone, something in the way he spoke made Neo shiver, and immediately, he touched his mask and changed the settings of his face.

"All done, master. Please don't reset my settings."

"'R-Reset settings...'" Iulia repeated again. She was then reminded of how 'Tyr' used a puppet during the competition between the Conclave and the Royal Army and knew for sure that Kyran was indeed Tyr.

"A puppet," Iulia said, observing Neo momentarily before looking at Kyran. "A puppet with a sentient."

Kyran only smiled in response.

"Why not have a seat first? We have so much to discuss. Let's not dally any longer."

The one who had spoken was not Kyran but someone else among the several others present in the room.