A New Journey (4)

Nolan is the new Human plane's Sovereign, after all. No matter how much he tried to avoid it, it would only be a matter of time before he had to find allies and protect the Human plane.

Nevertheless, Cade was not stupid to think Loar's invitation had no ulterior motives. Even when the latter promised not to force Nolan to participate when the war started, he should know that such a thing was impossible when the Human plane was a hot spot given its rumored origin.

Besides, the new 'Dark Sage' is part of the Human plane.

Even if the other factions were not interested in the plane per se because it was said to be the Land of the Ancients, they would be interested in the 'Dark Sage' and his legacy.

Cade heard about the legacy during one of his training in the Tower of Tribulations.

However, at that time, he had no expectations of becoming the father of the original Dark Sage's 'successor.' Thus, he only took note of it before putting the matter aside.