A New Journey (7)

In the next couple of days, Kyran busied himself with strengthening his Sigils while creating an item that would allow them to access the Sigil's effect remotely. In this way, even if he was far away, they could tap into it, and he could provide them with additional blessings. It would also let him know if an emergency happened in the Human plane.

His Sigils would never need its effect if they could resolve the situation alone.

Nolan gave Kyran a device to contact him, but since he was the new Sovereign, he could not say anything about internal matters in the Human plane. Besides, Kyran was sure Nolan would never contact him. Even if Kyran initiated the call, Nolan would probably only talk about things he could.

Such as matters regarding the War of the Sovereigns because it involved the future of the Human plane.