Sovereign of Automa (3)

Cade returned to the estate after being away for more than a week.

Initially, he wanted to meet with Kyran, but since he had much to discuss with the Elders and the rest of their members with good Array knowledge, he had to meet with them first.

In that meeting, Cade thought of letting Kyran join but decided against it at the last minute.

Although Kyran had not said anything yet, Cade more or less guessed he was planning to leave that day.

He knew Kyran had been running around the meeting people and making some preparations. Thus, it was not that hard to guess what the latter intended to do.

In any case, Cade did not ask Kyran to join because he did not want to distract him. First of all, he knew his son well. Once his interest had been piqued, he tended to lose track of time. And discussions in Array were among the few things he was interested in.