Invitation (1)

The woman also turned her attention upfront.

At some distance from them, the space distorted, and a rift appeared. Its size was big enough to fit three grown men.

From the right, three silhouettes stepped out.

The woman already recognized the first two men, Cade and the Human plane's new Sovereign, Nolan. As for the third one, she guessed it was the person Loar had been talking about.

The new Dark Sage.

She already heard about him. After all, he made a ruckus when he escaped from Ruin— known as the black sheep among the Sovereigns in the Lower Realm— time and again. Nevertheless, it would be her first time seeing him in person. And the first impression she had was he looked too young.

Apart from this, the things she heard about him from the other Sovereigns who met him slightly differed from the one Loar talked about.

This piqued her interest a bit.