No Need to Lift a Finger

Kyran appeared behind a store southwest of town. Using his magic sense, he checked the surrounding area and discovered several security group members gathering close to where he was.

It did not take long for him to find out why they were there. Two buildings to his left, he sensed three beast-like observing the security group on the building's second floor.

Kyran guessed they were part of the perpetrators who failed to escape when the security group discovered their entry point.

'Taking care of these three will not be a problem, but doing that will not resolve the problem here,' Kyran thought. He had to find the rest of the perpetrators and deal with them. Not to mention, he was curious about who was behind these perpetrators.

The old man already said that the Nobles were behind these people because he knew their Sovereign's secret, but something did not seem to connect with Kyran.