Beast Horde (1)

The Eidum's HQ at the Great Divide consisted of four sections. Three of these had seven floors, with one huge floor close to the surface.

The first section was the one close to the surface. All supplies were kept there. The second section below it was where the Infirmary, Apothecary, patients' ward were found. Following that section were the sleeping chambers, kitchen and the dining hall. Finally, the last section, which was at the bottom of the chasm was the assembly hall, offices of the leaders, and the exit to the lower ground.

At the moment, Kyran, Hilam and Soria was inside the receiving room of the Saint. It is located at the lowest floor and was also close to the assembly hall.

"What did you just say?" The Saint asked after hearing Kyran speak some inaudible words.

Kyran shook his head and replied, "Sorry, it's nothing."