Not Mine (1)

Kyran first wanted to reduce the number of beasts hitting the defensive walls, so he did not go after the magical beast. Besides, he wanted to observe how it commands the horde.

But it seemed to have noticed Kyran and wanted to go after him itself.

Seeing that it missed, the magical beast roared and charged toward Kyran, crushing the smaller beasts along the way.

Kyran also charged forward, planning to intercept the magical beast while cutting through the beasts blocking his path.

In an instant, the battlefield had gotten chaotic.

The Eidums maintaining the barrier gaped at the battlefield in amazement and fear.

How could one 'being' with such a small stature deal so much damage to beasts more than twice his size? Apart from this, the magical beast had reacted to him and was already after him. Instead of avoiding the magical beast, he even went after it.