It Has Been A While (1)

A lone figure in black armor stood atop a gray steel wall on the opposite side of the vast chasm. Judging by the figure's countenance, he was a high-ranked officer.

Due to his armor's helmet, it was hard to determine what he was looking at. But it was not hard to guess that he was observing the battle happening a distance away.


Suddenly, another figure in black armor appeared behind him. This newly arrived figure knelt on one knee before saying, "Commander, the magical beast has been slain."

"Is it Commander Gidan?" the first figure, who had been addressed as the Commander, asked. From his tone, he did not appear perturbed by the magical beast's death.

"No. It was slain by an unknown... being."

"Unknown being?" The Commander asked, his voice suggesting his mood had turned foul from the news.