It Has Been A While (3)

After confirming Kyran had no injuries, Cyneah went to the medicine cabinet and pulled out a few medicinal herbs.

"Though you are not injured, you have been soaked by a magical beast's blood. Their blood is mostly used to enhance a potion's efficacy, but to us humans, they are poisonous."

"Humans, not complete beings, huh."

"Yes," Cyneah paused momentarily before adding with a bitter smile, "I learned that the hard way."

Kyran's brow furrowed. He could only imagine what Cyneah endured after coming to this place.

"Good thing some of the herbs you gifted me can counter the poison."

Kyran raised his brows, recalling the ring he gave her, which was full of rare and common medicinal herbs he collected from different planes during his training.

"I'm surprised you can use those herbs in this plane," he commented.