It Has Been A While (8)

The plan was to let out Soria and Yalen once they arrived at their destination. However, after sensing several feral beasts nearby, Kyran decided against it and let them stay in the Void world.

Soria and Yalen were unhappy with Kyran's decision, but after four feral beasts appeared the moment he advanced 20 meters, they realized the severity of the situation and did nit attempt to argue.

Unbeknownst to them, the feral beasts had no intentions of attacking. They were only curious about Kyran's strange presence. Or to be more accurate, his 'empty' yet ominous presence. To them, he was like a walking abyss.

Seeing the behavior of the feral beasts, Kyran sighed helplessly. He was here to hunt, thus, his ability to keep beasts at bay was a pain.

Kyran now knew the difference from these beasts to the horde and magical beast that attacked him with zeal earlier.