
The talk Kyran had with the old man, and Gael bore no fruit. But it was not completely futile. At least now, he had a better understanding of the Somuli's state of affairs. Though it was only between three nations, the Armakea, Eidums, and the Kingdom of Cretea, it was enough to plan his next steps.

Kyran returned inside the HQ and helped out in the Infirmary as promised. He assisted Cyneah in concocting potions and pills and tending to the more critical patients.

When it was time to rest, Cyneah tried to get Kyran a room close to her, but Gidan rejected her request and had Kyran share a room with Hilam.

Kyran did not argue. As much as he wanted to be close to Cyneah, moving around and gathering information was easier if he was closer to the rest of the Eidums. It was not to say she was less informed than the others. But he knew she would withhold information if she guessed he was up to something dangerous.