
The semi-transparent purple half-sphere trapping Haji and Jita shrunk in an instant. Knowing the sphere possessed a strange disintegration effect, they both paled in fear. Nevertheless, they did not want to be used to leverage the Prince's decision or be exploited as his weakness. Thus, they clenched their fists, steeled their hearts, and Haji even said, "We are not afraid of death! Please do not mind us, Your Highness! I'm sure the knights will realize something is amiss and will be able to aid you soon! Long live Armakea! Let our deaths become the foundation for the nation's bright future!"

Achim ground his teeth and did not respond to Haji. He could see the half-sphere shrink at an alarming speed. He could even see the look of terror on his two assistants. But he chose to ignore it because he was the Prince of Armakea. He would never succumb to threats.

Sizzle! Sizzle!