
After Nachum's and True Void's conversation, they agreed not to let the others know about Kyran's condition.

Nachum then left to prepare for his next ascension attempt. Although he had experienced it before and at his current level, there was little he could prepare; there was still the matter of his mental fortitude and resolve.

It was not to say that Nachum's resolve was weak. Kyran already told him his intentions of helping him ascend to Sovereignty. He might not know how the younger man would do it, but since then, he had been contemplating and steeling his resolve.

Still, it was unfortunate that Nachum's resolve had only been steeled after realizing how formidable the outsiders were because of what happened to Kyran.

Meanwhile, True Void took Kyran to his room on the Armakea's side because some Servants could not enter the Eidum's border— like Gael.