Acquisition (27)

One of the glowing eyes flashed as it disappeared and reappeared directly in front of the open door. The great sword it held was raised above its head, ready to strike the person about to enter the room.

Armak and Breira's green eyes glowed with a slight silver tint as they stepped in front of Kyran while summoning their Divine Armaments.

Earlier when they fought Kyran, they were not using their Divine Armaments and instead used a regular weapon. Thus, this would be the first time they would use them.

A twelve-foot-tall, and five-foot wide, golded rectangular box, similar to a coffin appeared in front of Armak, while diamond rings enveloped Breira's forearms.

The owner of those glowing eyes cleaved its great sword downward, but Armak blocked it using his coffin-like Divine Armament.


A shockwave followed right after the two weapons collided.