Acquisition (30)

At the moment, Kyran was oblivious to whatever was happening with Malek and Nahir's side. As a matter of fact, that was the case with everyone else. It was not that he did not have a way of knowing because he could contact them anytime he wanted; rather, he chose not to contact them when their operation had only started.

If Kyran kept checking on their situation, it would seem like he did not trust the others to do their part well. In any case, if the worst-case scenario happened to any of them, his Servants would let him know. They could not telepathically tell him, given their distance, but they possessed a token he made himself that, once broken, would tell him they were in a dire situation they could no longer handle by themselves.

The token was quite similar to Cyneah's. The only difference was the latter's token would directly tell Kyran her location as long as she called his name, while the former would only tell him they were in danger.