The Battle Thus Far (1)

In the underground section of the castle, Kyran and his Sigils, Armak, and Breira, were about to finish their confrontation against the automatons.

Thus far, Kyran had already taken control of over thirty automatons and was basically overwhelming the enemy side, which only had around twenty automatons left.

Half of the automatons that were now under Kyran's control were thanks to his quick work in adjusting their programming, while the other half was Armak and Breira's handiwork.

At the start of the battle, Armak and Breira had not familiarized themselves with fighting an automaton; thus, it took them a while to deal with the few automatons attacking them. But after a while, they were able to notice patterns in the automatons' movements, making it easier for them to subdue them.

Kyran also noticed this, which was why, after taking control of the five automatons, he stopped dealing with the rest himself and allowed the latter five to do the rest.