A Possible Connection (2)

Dusk frowned at what Kyran said. He did not understand what prompted the latter to say such a thing. In a way, Dusk never considered Kyran as their faction's consultant— as Axil insisted on the latter's delegation in their faction— but an unrelated party to their cause. Dusk's view was elicited by how Kyran declared his stance of not involving the Human plane in the war.

Kyran was not even the Sovereign of the Human plane. However, it was apparent that the Human plane's Sovereign and the rest of the powerful mages of that plane who knew about the war fully supported Kyran's decision.

In a sense, Dusk could understand why they would put such great trust in Kyran. The latter was the new Dark Sage, after all. Nevertheless, Kyran's identity as the new Dark Sage was precisely the reason Dusk felt a slight resentment toward him. Because the truth about the faction the Dark Sage supported in the previous wars always won was hard facts.