All Hell Break Loose (2)

A massive flower with eight petals appeared, wrapping itself around Flos just before Malek's lightning struck.

Crackle! Crackle! Sizzle! Sizzle!

Surprisingly, the petals were unaffected by the lightning and even appeared to be immune to it.

Malek furrowed his brows and waved his hand, summoning spheres of highly concentrated Air magic and hurling them over at Flos's.

The spheres whistled through the air, leaving a trail of white with green flashes of lightning.

The massive petals that protected Flos seemed to be made out of steel, yet the moment those spheres crashed into them, they pierced right through like bullets.


Flos's magic energy exploded, tearing the flower petals before they were riddled with Malek's bullet-like attack. He then spread his arms before making circular movements with his hands as more tentacle-like roots slithered out from the cracks in the ground, walls, and even the ceiling.