All Hell Break Loose (13)

The space behind Deus crackled and distorted, slowly revealing a crack in space. Soon after, a gigantic hand broke out from the crack, shattering the space like fragile glass.

Kyran, who heard Deus's remark before the fissure appeared, was momentarily stunned. He had heard about the Higher Realm before but never expected a day would come when he would come face to face with someone from there. More importantly, why would someone from the Higher Realm be interested in him?

No. That was a stupid question. The white-robed man had practically stated the reason he was after him.

The Heart of the Cosmos!

This thought crossed Kyran's mind in but a breath's time, but that time was enough for the gigantic hand from the fissure to shorten the distance between it and him.

As soon as Kyran regained his composure, the gigantic hand was already upon him.