Tying up Loose Ends (1)

Cyneah did not mean to bear grudges. But she admitted feeling disappointed when Kyran did not appear the first time she called for him in her time of need. Eventually, after she tided through her predicament and calmed down, she reasoned to herself that it was unfair of her to be disappointed when it was impossible for Kyran to come to her aid since they were planes apart. No matter how potent Kyran's warping ability was, he could not possibly warp through planes. At the very least, she was convinced of this.

Nonetheless, the joy Cyneah felt after Kyran arrived could not be described in two or three words. Moreover, the fact that she was out of that pitch-black darkness meant he successfully defeated the enemy and saved them.

Nahir, lying a couple of meters from the right, slowly regained his awareness. The moment he did and propped himself up the floor, he caught sight of Kyran and Cyneah at the corner.