Tablets (2)

Axil, Loar, and Wings frowned. They knew Anshel of the Kingdom of Cretea was a fake Sovereign. Thus, his authority over Somuli was limited. Even his Sovereign's Cradle barely restricted the outsiders' level.

Proof of the cradle's low effect was its inability to suppress the level of outsiders that entered Somuli through a rift. Not to mention, the golden net could not even be seen by the outsiders.

Considering this, how could the Somuli's Sovereign expel Dusk and the other Sovereigns?

"You have arrived a tad bit late. That's why you did not notice the surge of magic energy just now," Dusk started after noticing their confusion and doubt. "If you have felt it, you'd know that Somuli had just birthed its new Sovereign."

Axil, Loar, and Wings were surprised. But they did not think such development was unexpected. Since they knew the previous Sovereign was a fake, it would only be a matter of time before the real Sovereign ascended.