Taking the Initiative (1)

Axil and Loar came up with a theory or two as to how Flos's and Obstruction's planes fell under Kyran's protection even though he was not a Sovereign. The first theory had something to do with his innate magic.

The nature of Void magic had always been up for debate because of the lack of information about it. Up to date, the only ones who got a better understanding of it were Axil and a few other members of the Guardians who worked with Kyran on a mission during his stay with them this past year or so.

Axil and Loar were quite familiar with the Void's nothingness nature. Kyran even displayed it splendidly when he defied all common sense and ignored the Fates' influence. In any case, this particular nature of the Void magic could be why the planes under Flos and Obstruction fell under Kyran, though he was not a Sovereign.