The Cause of the Fall (2)

'Higher Being…' Kyran contemplated in his mind while he continued to flee from The Emperor.

Conversations, things Kyran discovered from the tablets, and his own research came flashing through his mind as he delved into the topic of the Higher Being.

In the Human plane, few were aware of the existence of the Higher Being. This was especially true with Kyran, who was only privy to news and information about combat and clan matters during his early years.

The first time Kyran heard about the Higher Being's existence was from an off-handed remark from his godmother, Anette. It was also through her remark that he discovered the existence of the Fates.

In any case, Kyran learned more about the Higher Being through the tablets.

Surprisingly— no, maybe it was unsurprising at that point— the Higher Being was always mentioned whenever the First War of the Sovereigns was highlighted.