Alta (3)

"Ack...!" Kyran covered his ears as soundwaves pierced through his eardrums and spread inside his body.

Shaiha's warning came a bit late, nearly causing Kyran to faint on the spot. Fortunately, the Elixir had strengthened his body and internal organs. Thus, the soundwaves only caused minimal damage that would normally turn an average person's insides into mush.

Still, that slight stop in his movement was enough for whoever threw the golden blades to unleash a powerful sound magic attack to close in on him.

A woman with long blonde hair tied up, wearing light silver armor, came at Kyran from up ahead and grabbed the vibrating golden blades suspended in midair.


Shaiha warned Kyran as the woman made slashing motions using the blades and aimed at Kyran as soon as she grabbed them. Her movement was so fluid that it felt like she had been holding the blades all this time.

Whoosh! Whoosh!