A Powerful Presence

Kyran, Leif, and Ias appeared on a square platform with glowing green runes that hovered vertically in several lines on its borders. The platform was also glowing, which meant it served as a teleportation platform connected to the designated area outside the tower.

With each passing second, the runes disappeared, and the three sensed several auras outside the platform's edges.

Leif's face contorted into a grimace as their surroundings came into view after each rune on the platform vanished in sync. The sudden reveal left them all feeling guarded. This was because they had been teleported to the end of a long hall with giant armored human statues on each wall.

"What...?" Leif looked at the statues warily because their height was twice hers. Apart from that, she sensed several auras just now, but besides the statues, there was nothing before them.