
Kyran's brow furrowed. He did not find anything worth taking up the time of the other clans in the Lacus Clan's possession when they checked it. Leif also checked it and felt the same.


His frown deepened as he recalled Leif checking a record of the Lacus Clan's spells and probably teachings. She browsed it briefly and learned some of the spells there to back up her act as Anahia. She wanted to learn as many spells as possible but could only use basic to mid-tier ones because the more complicated and complex spells could not be replicated by non-Lacus Clan members.

Nonetheless, Kyran considered the Lacus Clan's record a treasure, but it would not be useful to anyone outside the Lacus Clan.


Kyran looked at Leif and knelt beside her.

Aki and Auto-one caught his action and watched him curiously.