
"No, don't—!" Cyneah wanted to say. But the thunderous sound of the floor's destruction drowned out her voice.

"What—?" Thorn expected the three of them to freefall to the floor below after they destroyed the one that supported them. But none of that happened.

As soon as the sound of the floor's destruction subsided, what was left of the light that lit the room disappeared, engulfing them in complete darkness. This was soon followed by the voice's gleeful laugh that reverberated around them.


Ladon took a sharp breath as he realized what he and Thorn had done.

"No..." he muttered in frustration.

The floor they destroyed was the one the voice created through Dimension. Nonetheless, the aftershock of the Dimension's destruction caused the real mirrors outside it to shatter.

"!" Thorn stopped short as he also realized what they had done. He growled in anger and shouted, "You bastard!"