
The trouble Auto-one mentioned was an intersecting path. This would not have caused any concern if not for the fact that this intersection was not there before. At least, Auto-one's information said it was not there.

Diara and the rest of the Ancients wore grim expressions when they saw this, their brows furrowed in deep concern. They were similarly unaware of such an intersection in this area, their lack of knowledge adding to the growing unease.

"This... is not an illusion," Ladon confirmed.

"No," Thorn agreed with a scowl. "But there is a residual of magic fluctuation in the air."

"A path created with magic..." Ladon muttered under his breath. After mulling over it for a few seconds, he looked at the others and said, "Thorn and I will force our way in and find the real one. Stay here and keep a lookout in the meantime."

"There is no need," Kyran told them. Not waiting for them to respond, he looked at Cyneah and asked, "How is it?"