Sound Wave

With his next move carefully calculated, Kyran made the daring decision to break through the formation of the two enemy mages, who were acting as a shield and vanguard and instead target the one lurking at the rear. He deftly sidestepped another incoming attack from the enemy mage, presumably acting as their shield, and swiftly advanced towards the back of their formation. As soon as Kyran evaded, the other mage, acting as their offensive vanguard, launched another attack. This was a pattern they had been following since the beginning, and Kyran was ready for it. Without giving the enemy mage a chance to complete her motion, Kyran swiftly employed Dragon Steps to put distance between them.

Shiloh's eyes narrowed, a glint of anticipation lighting them up. Positioned at the back, he had an unobstructed view of the unfolding battle, his senses heightened.