Recognition (2)

When the dagger-wielding enemy mage first reacted to the Dragon Steps, Kyran wondered if he had a way of tracking him through his innate magic. Kyran considered the former to possess a rare innate ability of precognition, which might have allowed him to see the future for a few seconds. Kyran then thought that by moving faster than the enemy mage's precognition could reveal his next position, he might be able to find a breakthrough and gain an advantage.

In the end, Kyran deemed that increasing the Dragon Steps' speed was not the answer. If the enemy mage's innate ability were indeed precognition, it would not be limited to predicting his movements. On the off chance that the enemy mage predicted Kyran's plan, then everything would have been pointless.

But something changed Kyran's mind about his initial assumption of the enemy mage's innate ability.