Truth of the Magic Cores

Kyran's expression remained unreadable, but he inwardly did not like how Shiloh phrased his words— or, to be accurate, he did not like how Shiloh used the term gather.

As Kyran delved deeper into the mysteries of the Ancient Magic Cores and uncovered fragments of The Fall, a chilling premonition gripped him.

Was it truly the duty of the Realm Scion to amass all four Ancient Magic Cores to claim The Realm?

If this was the case, and Shaiha, the one responsible for acknowledging the candidate for the Realm Scion position, chose Kyran, did that mean he would have to gather the Soul Core and Time Core as well?

Kyran recalled the first time he entered his sea of consciousness. There, he discovered he had four magic cores and one central core. Two of his magic cores were active—one was the Void core, and the other was the Draconic core. Two more magic cores appeared empty or inactive.