Next Level

Kyran looked at the sphere with a slight frown because he kind of knew what it was but did not know precisely how it worked. It was somewhat confusing, but he could not help it.

He sensed the sphere was a teleportation panel because he felt a faint connection to other locations within the tower. Yet, its surface bore no runes to confirm this or discernible instructions explaining how to use it. The sphere also glowed, which would typically indicate that it was active. But upon closer observation, it was inactive.

Most importantly, Auto-one did not mention a room like this when he explained the floor's layout to Kyran.

"This room... is not on my memory," Auto-one said to confirm Kyran's doubts.

Diara and the other Ancients also looked at each other in confusion. Unlike Auto-one, they knew the room. However, its appearance was what confused them.