Truth of the Past (1)

"It's better than having the opposite sex spy on my thoughts," Kyran replied bluntly.

Kairos raised his brows in surprise. But then he burst out in laughter, which Kyran found very unlike him, given how indifferent he had been while using those overlapping voices to communicate back in the Tower of Tribulations.

"I see... I suppose you have some thoughts you would not want the opposite sex to know."

Kyran cleared his throat, belatedly feeling conscious of Kairos's implication. Not that the latter was wrong.

"We are getting sidetracked," he said, diverting the conversation. "You are saying something about Time Keepers having longer life spans."


"And your point?"

"I had a terminal illness," Kairos confessed with a bitter smile.

And that was all it took for Kyran to guess what Kairos's desire must have been and why he became the Overseer of the Towers.