Taking Advantage

Kyran, Raya, and the rest of the Regis members went through the seal's formation they managed to recreate thus far. Surprisingly, their progress in deciphering the whole array was slow even with Kyran assisting them. This was because he was still affected by Coelus's corpse's magic energy even with Aillos acting as their shield.

While they were busy with the formation, Auto-one and Cyneah stayed on the side in silence.

Back in the cottage, Cyneah used to observe Kyran through her magic sense, as he fiddled around with array formations that Nolan created to test him whenever they had a chance. Others might find the whole thing boring, but not her. She might not understand what they were doing, but she enjoyed the mood around them. In fact, it was during those times that she got to know Kyran and Nolan better, especially since she barely knew them back then.