Chase (3)

Aillos sighed inwardly. He knew it would be impossible to completely get Ducal's assistance because he still disapproved of the Regis, but that was alright. What they needed was his expertise in Array so they could complete the formation faster, rather than his approval of the Regis Clan, anyway. Besides, Aillos had an inkling that Ducal's view of them would change over time because he and the Regis Family had something in common, which was their interest in Array.

"I'll go fetch the materials in the Treasury then," Nithe interjected, trying to veer their conversation back on track.

As the one entrusted with the Dragon Clan's Treasury, Nithe's commitment to his role was unwavering. His responsibilities extended beyond mere stock management; he was the guardian of their resources, ensuring they were always well-stocked and ready for use.