Chase (23)

The others looked at the high-ranking mage, their curiosity piqued by the intensity of his gaze. They followed his line of sight in search of what had interested him.

"What is it?" the high-ranking mage in the middle asked while inspecting the spot with his Divine Sense.

The high-ranking mage on the left did not respond. Instead, he walked toward the left side of the receiving area and said, "Just now, the air around here fluctuated with—."

"Stop!" the high-ranking mage in the middle, who used Divine Sense, suddenly shouted after sensing magic fluctuation coming not from the spot where the other high-ranking mage was fixated but at the portal a few meters from them.




Unfortunately, none of the mages in the receiving area could react upon the emergence of five purplish lightning coming from the portal simultaneously struck them.
