Unauthorized Entry

Alta believed herself to be capable of enduring any hardship. She even managed to pull herself together after The Emperor took a piece of her soul thread. Although she was forced to recover, the fact that she did it still showed how much she could endure anything.

Alas, the experience of getting thrown from one portal to another appeared to be the only thing that could break her seemingly unbreakable will. Because the moment she got out of the opposite side of the portal Kyran threw her with Leif, she vomited without reservation.

Leif was actually the same. Though she did not vomit, she did fall to her knees, and her complexion had a strange, deathly hue to it.

"What is a Blade Dancer mage doing here?"

Alta almost choked back the remaining contents she had been vomiting as soon as she heard a woman speak demandingly.