Buying Time

Deus frowned as soon as he saw Ruin. He recognized him because of the magic energy he emitted. However, he still had some doubts because there was something different about him.

Mages changing their appearance with array formulas, magic spells, or relics were common. They could even change the appearance and form of their essence. But no matter how a mage changed their essence's appearance or form, they would still possess part of their 'core.'

At the moment, Deus could not sense that core in Ruin. As a matter of fact, he could not even say if the Ruin before him was an essence.

During Deus's recent encounter with Ruin, he knew the latter could not appear in his original form before him. Which was why he assumed the one before him was also an essence. But he should have been able to sense Ruin's essence because he was an essence, yet he could not. It seemed confusing, especially when he was 100% positive the one before him was Ruin.