Chapter Thirty-Six

I don't get anymore help from the comfort women, I do get doubled anxiety on my mission of finding and saving Vern though.

I stepped out of the club/bar the same way I went in. No fanfare necessary. Although as I walk past, a few pot bellied old men who should be in bed with a tube in their throat whistle at me and ask if I'm new.

The sassy one responds, "She might be if she keeps heading the way she's going."

There's a chorus of chortling laughter from them all. I don't know why they're laughing, there's nothing funny to laugh at.

I hasten my step and leave the establishment even faster, getting out into the snowy world on the outside of its walls.

Standing on the sidewalk I look about myself and try to get a sense of where Juan's bar would be established.

Deciding not to wing it in, I cross the road and flag a trike.

"Juan's bar?" I tell the rider. The man looks at me strangely and then nods. A smile spreads over my face and I start to climb in.

"Four hundred credits" he suddenly says, stopping me in my tracks.

"Four hundred!? That's insane."

The man scowls at me, tutting, "You know where you going? You going to Juan. That place not so good with police or anybody."

He speaks in a broken, confused way, but I get the idea. Juan's place is crawling with bad vibes.

Still. Four hundred is a lot for this. I consider asking him to tell me the way there so I can just walk there but I have a feeling I'll get lost.

I don't have time for this.

I grunt and hop on into the trike and give the man a curt nod. "Let's go."

Wordlessly he starts his engine again and the trike is on the move.

The cold billowing winds bite against my skin as we journey towards this Juan's bar. The trike man is considerate in not taking any more passengers, although I wouldn't have minded if it meant a break from the icy winds.

I should have worn warmer clothes.

I've got on some jeans, a sweater and a coat, not my good coat, just an extra we got when we happened on that store.

I'm only missing out on some scarfs and gloves. Maybe a hat as well.

Either way, I endure the icy winds on the little exposed skin. Fortunately for me, I don't have to suffer long.

Like the sassy woman said, the bar wasn't far. I feel the trick begin to slow down and soon we're turned up on the sidewalk in a part of town where very few people seem to come across despite being so close to one of the many red light districts in Xoxia.

I get off at my stop, the bar is dressed up like a clothing store. It has a large, wide display window that allows full view of what transpires within, quite unlike normal bars tend to have.

There's a fallen sign leaning on the side of it that says 'Juan's Bar' and it lies near neatly and possibly recently shoveled and salted floor.

I give it all one more look and shake my head, It probably was a clothing store before they took it.

Counting out nearly all the credits I'd set out with and hand them over to the trike rider. He regards me with a careful eye and glances behind me.

I can tell he wants to say something, Probably going to tell me to be safe, better tell him I'm here for a friend.

As my lips part to do exactly that the engine of the trike roars to life and the man rides off without another glance back at me.

Right, this isn't the factories, but is still Xoxia.

I stuff my hands into my pockets and brave my way to the door, reciting the mantra of what to scream when challenged in my head.

I'm a spy for the Mayor and he wants Invincibill by all means, kill me and you kill yourself.

I doubt they'll buy the bluff but it's the only card I have to play. Their fear of the Mayor and his goons.

Pushing open the door a beg jingles, announcing my presence to whomever is stationed here.

There certainly isn't anyone at the bar.

The place is very much a former clothing store. The space is wide and the roof is low, a low roof isn't something you want for a bar.

People will smoke, have sex and do release all sorts of gasses. A low roof, and wide panel display glasses don't help keep the patrons from choking on their own excesses.

Which means… this place isn't being used as a bar. It's not being used as anything financial, is it?

I don't think so. I look around the place and whereas the outside is clear of snow and dirt, the inside is a harbor for dust and cobwebs.

Still, the place can't be dead and everyone still fear it, can it?

"Hello!" I bellow out, a mistake as I breathe in some of the dust and start coughing.

"There there, should I get you a glass of water?"

I almost reply with a yes before I do a double take. Behind me stand three men, one shorter than the rest and yet the one exuding the most authority.

"Who are you?" I question.

The man in the middle tilts his head to the side, getting a better look at me with his eyes.

He licks his lips, "I'm sure you know the answer to that, you wouldn't be here if you didn't now would you?" he chuckles with himself and steps toward me.

I step back and he stops.

"Afraid of me are you?'re a lot better looking in person than pictures." he licks his lips again and sighs, "Unfortunately I hear you're just fifteen, who would have thunk, amiright boys!"

The men behind him cheer and agree with his words, whereas I'm beginning to dread every second of my existence here, in this place, in this time.

"I don't have time for this nonsense, where is Vern? Where is Rex?"

At the mention of their names weapons fly out of hidden pouches and are aimed. All on me.

With my heart already running a mile a minute this doesn't bode well.


My mental screaming is likely to only buy me a few minutes with those things hanging out in the air, directed at me. You'd think since Vern has one I'd be used to it but no.

"Relax boys, he's the kids' girlfriend." the man says, nodding at his men.

To my luck they put away the weapons, but the thought that they're there at all doesn't leave me at ease.

"So you're looking for your boyfriend huh?"

"Where is he?" I demand as bravely as I can manage.

"Where he's supposed to be, you on the other hand… not so much."

"Take me to him, he's in danger, I need to see him now!"

His eyes narrow dangerously at me and the men behind him began reaching for their weapons again.


"And how do you know this?"

"Wha-I uh I jus-" I blink and sputter in a mess.

This line of questioning is not what I prepared for!

"Just take me to him."

He raises an eyebrow and in a soft, whispering voice that I don't expect from a man like himself, he says, "I can't, they'll have to save themselves on this one."

My eyes become saucers staring at him, although my mind was a fog when we met I would recognize Rex anywhere.

And this man bears an uncanny resemblance.

"You…. You're Rex's brother… You sent them there didn't you? You sent them. You know about it too and you sent them!"

The guns come out again but this time they come with a warning. "Chill the fuck out now or we will drag you down."


The man, Rex's brother face-palms and snap his fingers. "She knows too much already, and she's hysterical. Take her down…carefully."

I don't have a chance to hear the rest of what he mutters under his breath as his two large men lumber towards me, intent on capturing me.

But I'm certain he said something about Vern.