Chapter Forty

"The search for the newest villainous meta-human continues amidst the Mayor's drive…"

"Could you please turn that off?" I groan, trying not to snap at the large man for the umpteenth time in the past days.

Austin looks back at me, his cast arm swinging about carelessly and shakes his head, "Maybe listening to news about himself will wake him up for more than two seconds."

Vern. Beside me he lies ever still as he has for the past two days that have crawled by me like torture. There aren't any beeping monitors, or comfortable bed or tubes running down his nose and mouth, it's just him, lying there pale as the snow he fell in.

On that night, the same night I barged into Rey's place in search of him and Rex, I had to wait until Rey got a call from Austin with urgent demands for their medic and all sorts of blood they could find.

Fortunately, the medic in question has been resourceful enough to land her hands on some Pixie Blood, the synthetic blood viable for all transfusions regardless of illness, species or something even as silly as blood type.

Which is fortunate really, because we couldn't exactly begin to wake Vern up to ask what his blood type is, although, I am quite embarrassed that I don't even know that much about him.

"...Police Department rising star Captain Syrian Cord has spoken out against the metahuman he and his team encountered en route to foil a criminal cell, he had this to say."

"It was a massacre. Before either one of my colleagues, my subordinates had a chance to react to this...this man, this monster in the fur of a child, had seized control of our minds and frozen us in place, completely vulnerable to his whims.

He and his minions, he and his busboys have killed and maimed nearly half of my team with this single encounter. I am petitioning the public, beware of this person!"

The camera flutters as he attacks it with a poster of Vern, "We have managed to get this drawing of the child, please, if you see him anywhere, call us and let us take him to justice! I am also petitioning the Mayor to increase the funding diverted to the police so that we may better withstand these sorts of vagrants, the streets...aren't safe, thank you."

"Well, that was fast." Austin mutters.

I groan at the sound of his voice and the still playing news, "What is?"

"Syrian has never thought to call us out like that," he starts, a concerned look on his face, "He's tussled with us for quite a bit but...he's never gone on the news and petitioned the public to keep an eye out for us."

Now I'm concerned, "What do you think this means?"

He raises an eyebrow at me, "Isn't it obvious? He's not going to let Vern go, he's not going to let him go scot free."

He's going to hunt Vern.

I look back at the pale, fragile pre-teen in question, and quickly resolve myself, There's no way I'm letting that man get his hands on you. No way.

But first, you're going to have to wake up, Vern. "Wake up." I gently whisper and plant my head on his bed.

His injuries weren't too terrible, he got his treatment quickly and is on a transfusion of Pixie Blood as well as the normal glucose, but he still doesn't wake. Well, at least he looks significantly better than he did when he came in.

"I can't let this Captain Syrian have Vern, I won't let him. Once he wakes up we're leaving this city, and you're going to give us a way." I tell Austin.

He doesn't so much as flinch as I spit all this his way, rather he says, "I agree." Which comes as a surprise, seeing as I was fully prepared to go down arguing why we deserve to be the ones they risk their necks out to get out of this godforsaken city.

"You do?" I ask, doing poorly at not sounding surprised and pleased.

"I do. He doesn't need one does, I know he's trying to protect you but there are other ways…" He shrugs, scratching the back of his head, "And maybe I think those can be found outside the city, although, I'm sure I'll never know, I think you two should find out, for all of us back here."

I fall silent as I'd never truly considered Austin, the giant of a man, to be much more than the muscle of Rey's crew, but now, now he's making me realize that well...he's human too, not just a heartless criminal wanted by the law.

"Ah, well, yes, yes I think we will." I sputter out at last.

"I'll let Rey know, I don't have the contacts or the influence to pull off an escape, we'll need his help and perhaps even that of other Captains."

I nod as he leaves to do just that, thankfully switching off the annoying TV on his way out.

Just as he does my arm is pinched, albeit weakly. Gasping, I spin and find Vern looking up at me, his eyes puffy and swollen and his lips dry, "Oh!" I exclaim, jumping out of my shoes to reach for the water bottle in my bag.

"Here, have some."

Stuffing the straw in his mouth he slowly sips out of the bottle, once done he pushes it away and mutters, "Could have gone with some cola."

My eyebrows drop in disappointment, "You literally have sugar being pumped into your veins, what more could cola do?"

Blankly and without hesitation he says, "Have taste."

It doesn't take a second longer for us to burst out laughing. I'm relieved.

He coughs a bit as he laughs so I have him drink some more water. He does so, but soon pushes it away and stares intently at me, "You're trying to have us leave?"

I blink, caught off guard by the question, "You heard Austin and I?"

"I'm fine."

"For now you are, but the entire city is out keeping a look out for you thanks to that Syrian Cord guy…" I pause, biting my lip and summoning the courage to ask him for answers to what I've dreaded to know, "Did you really do what the news said? Did you really...kill all those people?"