Chapter Fifty-Seven

Fawn quickly relaxed when we pulled up the surely familiar street leading toward one of Rey's bases, and by extension, hers.

"What are we doing at a medic tent?"

"Medic tent?" I echo. I've been learning a lot of new things since meeting the five. Apparently, Rex's rank in the organization is called 'pawn'. I would say it's pretty accurate.

"It houses a bulk of our injured. We have a lot of people and some a generous bit of Xoxia territory, but we're still vulnerable to raids. The tents are the defensive line basically, where we fall back on when we're hit."

It's a crude explanation but I get the gist of it, It's not all chaos after all.

A glancing thought at the occurrence of gang fights simply sounds like the gathering of a rowdy, disorganized and overly aggressive bunch of people. But no, from what I have seen from today alone, I can at least say the thought of them is banished.

This is organized crime. Highly organized.